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Wellness Center

A wellness visit is suggested to occur annually. These visits are preventative and will only cover non- existing conditions.

Any illness, current symptoms or ongoing conditions will need to be discussed at another visit.

Below are the descriptions of some things that may occur during wellness visits, by age.

Well Child Check (infant to 2 years)

Timeline of Newborn Well Child Checks: 2 weeks from birth, 2 months*, 4 months*, 6 months*, 9 months (hearing and development test), 12 months*, 15 months*, 18 months and finally 24 months.

Well Child Check (under 13 years old)

This is a yearly exam for children which may include shots. This is very important to have done even if your child is healthy. This visit requires parental presence. A brief history reviewing any medical problems from yourchild or family will be done. A physical exam will also occur, looking for problems with ears, throat, heart, organs, hernias, ect. Health maintenance/ education will also be done to ensure your child lives a long, healthy life.

Well Child Check (13 to 18)

This is a yearly exam for children which may include shots. This is very important to have done even if your child is healthy. This visit requires parental presence for most of the visit. A brief history reviewing any medical problems from your child or family will be done. A physical exam will also occur, looking for problems with ears, throat, heart, organs, hernias, ect. Health maintenance/ education will also be done, to include drugs, alcohol and sexuality issues. During this part, it is up to the parent if they wish to be present.

Complete Physical Exams (Women, 18 years +)

A complete physical for women should occur yearly. This visit includes your pap (if needed). Health history will be reviewed as well as a thorough head-to-toe examination. Since this exam is preventative in nature, the provider will go over all parts/ organs, reducing the risk of missing unknown problems. Labs may be ordered depending on your health history. This exam will also be when any preventative exams (colonoscopy, mammogram, dexa, ect).

Complete Physical Exams (Men, 18 years +)

A complete physical for men should occur yearly. Health history will be reviewed as well as a thorough head-to-toe examination. Since this exam is preventative in nature, the provider will go over all parts/ organs, reducing the risk of missing unknown problems. Labs may be ordered depending on your health history. This visit may also contain a prostate check as well as ordering any preventative exams (colonoscopy, dexa, ect).